Dec 03, 2024
2024-2025 Hope College Catalog
EDUC 230 - Science and Engineering Practices and Pedagogy for the Elementary Teacher Science and Engineering Practices and Pedagogy for the Elementary Teacher is designed for those seeking Pre-K-3rd grade and/or 3rd-6th grade elementary certification. During the course, teacher candidates will gain understanding of relevant professional standards set forth by the Michigan Department of Education Standards for the Preparation of Teachers that focus on learner-centered supports, scientific sense-making, and pedagogical strategies used in the science classroom. Candidates will also understand how to interpret and use the Michigan K-12 Science Standards to engage learners using three-dimensional instruction. Specifically, candidates will gain experience choosing rich scientific phenomena for instructional units as they develop understanding of the science and engineering practices and recognize cross-cutting concepts and how they apply to quality science teaching and learning. Moreover, candidates will gain experiences with MDE Core Teaching Practices leading a discussion and eliciting and interpreting student thinking. Finally, candidates will learn about research-based strategies involving culturally-relevant pedagogy and promoting equity in the science classroom.
Credits: 2 Terms Offered: Fall, Spring Prerequisites: EDUC 200 with a grade of C or better, EDUC 201 with a grade of C or better, EDUC 225 with a grade of C or better, EDUC 226 with a grade of C or better, EDUC 270 with a grade of C or better