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    Feb 16, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Academic Programs

Hope College has long recognized the value of offering its students a wide range of off-campus study opportunities, both domestic and international. These are available to qualified students through exchange programs and the college’s membership in a number of consortiums. These include programs run by the Associated College of the Midwest (ACM), IES Abroad, the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), College Year in Athens (CYA), the Chicago Semester, The Philadelphia Center (TPC), Denver Urban Studies (DUS), the Oregon Extension, the New York Arts Program, the School for International Training (SIT), the Organization of Tropical Studies - Duke University, Creation Care Study Program (CCSP) and The Education Abroad Network (TEAN). Hope students also have opportunity to directly enroll in a number of overseas institutions which have a partnership with Hope College. Semester and year-long opportunities for off-campus study are available in virtually every part of the globe. May, June and July terms offer short term options.

All off-campus programs, independent of length, subject matter, or location, fall into one of the following two categories:

  1. Official Hope College Programs

Hope College exercises direct or indirect academic and administrative control over these programs. Students who participate in these are screened by the Off-Campus Programs Admissions Committee and they remain enrolled at Hope College. It is the responsibility of students to demonstrate to the Off-Campus Programs Admissions Committee that they have made prior arrangement with the campus administrator and/or the academic departments concerned for the awarding of credit. Once the student is off-campus, it is the continuing responsibility of the student to communicate any program changes to the chairperson of the department from which credit is expected. Students in these official programs continue to receive administrative support and will be regarded as regular Hope College students in all respects. They are entitled to retain financial aid and to have grades and credit earned recorded on their Hope College transcript.

  1. Non-Official Programs

Students may, of course, enroll in other programs over which Hope College does not exercise administrative or academic control. In the case of overseas programs, more information is available form the Fried Center for Global Engagement. It is important to note that students enrolling in one of these programs are, in practical terms, withdrawing from the college. This means that they do not need the permission of the Off-Campus Programs Admissions Committee in order to participate. However, they also lose the right to use Hope College financial aid awards and any credit earned will be treated as transfer credit. Students considering participation in one of these programs should consult their departmental advisor in order to determine whether or not transfer credit is likely to be accepted. Upon completion of such a program, students who intend to return to Hope College need to apply for readmission. Students interested in pursuing a non-official program should consult with the Center for Global Engagement and may submit a petition to the International Education Committee to request a special approval.

Off-campus Study Opportunities

As part of the overall program in global engagement at Hope College, the Fried Center for Global Engagement offers information and assistance to all students interested in off-campus study. Applications and detailed descriptions of the programs outlined below are available from CGE.

Students planning to participate in either domestic or international off-campus study programs should note the following:

  • Enrollment restrictions apply to off-campus study programs during the spring semester but not the fall semester. Students are therefore strongly encouraged to participate in off-campus study during the fall semester. Planning to study in any off-campus program during either semester should begin, if possible, in the student’s freshman year. Planning is especially important for students desiring to study off campus during the spring semester. Enrollment restrictions during the spring semester may mean that study in an off-campus program will not be approved for everyone who applies, so fall semester alternatives need to be considered. Such planning will normally enable qualified students to participate in their program of choice.
  • The college annually reviews its policy regarding the types and amounts of institutional financial aid (Hope scholarships and grants) that can be applied to the costs of off-campus study programs. Students should inquire at the Office of Financial Aid to determine which types of institutional financial aid are transportable to their off-campus study programs.

Semester and Year Programs

Qualified Hope students can study in Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, North America and South America. They can do so through a variety of third party providers, exchange programs, direct entry into universities and at sponsored study centers. Hope has global partnerships with universities in England, Japan, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Mexico. Each year Hope students study on campuses in Liverpool, Tokyo, Yokohama Puebla, Querétaro, Klaipeda, and Groningen while students from universities in these cities study at Hope. Direct enrollment university programs are available in countries such as Argentina, Australia, Chile, England, France, New Zealand, Scotland and Senegal. Also readily available are opportunities to take courses in US sponsored study centers while taking one or two courses through local universities. Students may also participate in thematic programs in countries such as Czech Republic, Jordan, Mongolia, Samoa, Singapore, and Tanzania that focus on issues related to the arts, biodiversity, culture, development, gender, ecology, identity, resource management and social justice.

For a complete list of off-campus study opportunities, both domestic and international, please visit Additional information about off-campus study, including application procedures, off-campus study policies, a handbook, etc can be found at the website of the Center for Global Engagement.

May, June and Summer Opportunities

Short-term off-campus study programs are available during the four-week May, June and July Terms. Off-campus May and June term courses are generally announced toward the beginning of fall semester on with registration and program deposits required early in the spring semester. Students should consult with the program leader for further information about these courses.

Institutional Global Partnerships

Hope College has a number of institutional global partnerships with universities and colleges around the world. These partnerships allow for reciprocal student, faculty and staff exchanges and enhance the overall mission of the College. Hope students have access to these exchange programs through the Center for Global Engagement which also plays host to students from these institutions studying at Hope College. The following is a listing of the institutional global partnerships at Hope College:

  • Ferris University, Japan
  • LCC International University, Lithuania
  • Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom
  • Meiji Gakuin University, Japan
  • Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico
  • Autonomous University of Querétaro, Mexico
  • Technos College, Japan
  • Union Christian College, India
  • Hanze University, the Netherlands

On-campus Study Opportunities

Opportunities for Talented Students

Students who come to Hope with exceptional academic backgrounds and/or exceptional high school academic performance may wish to consult with their advisors about ways in which their academic potential may be developed to the fullest extent. Credit by examination via AP, CLEP, or departmental exams or waivers of general education courses or introductory-level courses can be gained in order to avoid repetitive learning and in order to insure placement at the proper course level in fields where they may have advanced standing. Further, research and independent study, both at the underclass and upperclass level, may be pursued to fully develop a student’s interest in a particular topic.

Across campus, students from all years are able to apply for summer research opportunities. These unique paid experiences, often supported by foundation research grants, allow students to partner with faculty to explore questions in their field of research.

The Phelps Scholars Program

The Phelps Scholars Program (PSP) is a living/learning program available to first-year Hope students. PSP combines residential life, academic engagement, and social activities that prepares students to be leaders in an increasingly global society. Phelps Scholars make a one-year commitment to live in community with others from a broad range of cultural backgrounds, and they explore together the issues of diversity that shape our world. Designed to facilitate an enjoyable transition to the college, it also provides the foundation for four productive years as members of our student body. Phelps Scholars aspire to Hope’s high standards of academic excellence; participate fully in the life of the college community; and develop skills, attitudes and values that prepare them for lives of leadership and service in a culturally diverse and global society.

Phelps Scholars accomplish this by:

  1. Living together in the same residence hall where they actively develop meaningful relationships with students, faculty and staff who represent a rich mix of cultural backgrounds.
  2. Taking the designated First Year Seminar course in the fall that focuses on identity development, empathy, and agency and then taking either IDS 200 - Encounter with Cultures  or AES 210 - Introduction to American Ethnic Studies  in the spring.
  3. Participating in workshops, group discussions and special events that focus on the practical aspects of living, learning, and working in a diverse community.
  4. Meeting guest speakers, taking culturally related trips and engaging with the campus in conversations on diversity and social issues.

While program participation is voluntary, students make a one-year commitment to be a part of a community that is intentionally designed to facilitate rich and meaningful interactions throughout the course of their first year.

For further information, contact the program.

Hope-Western Prison Education Program

The Hope-Western Prison Education Program provides a Christian liberal arts education to incarcerated men with long-term sentences at Muskegon Correctional Facility. As a covenant partnership between Hope College and Western Theological Seminary, the program strives to form thoughtful and wise citizens dedicated to improving their communities - whether inside or outside of prison.

Learning Objectives

The Faith, Leadership, and Service major offered by The Hope-Western Prison Education Program will equip students with:

  • A biblical, historical, and theological framework for understanding Christian faith, thought and action.
  • The skills needed for lives of leadership and service.
  • The ability to integrate their faith with their understandings of both leadership and service.
  • The disciplines of mind, heart, and spirit that will foster their growth as leaders and servants.
  • A deep understanding of the multi-cultural and religious contexts in which they will be leading and serving.

Program Requirements

The Faith, Leadership, and Service major is a compilation of existing Hope College and WTS (scaled for undergraduates) courses. The program will be anchored by the typical Bachelor of Arts general education requirements.

Curricular Values: 

  • To provide an excellent liberal arts course of studies with a major that also makes sense with the additional goals of (a) moral formation and (b) preparation for the kinds of work students will undertake both within and outside of the prison.
  • To have general education requirements that fit within the typical Hope College curriculum structure.
  • To have the major cohere with (a) Hope Religion Department offerings, (b) the Ministry Minor, (c) typical classes offered at the seminary, and (d) the developing 4+2 program between Hope and WTS.

The major requires 56 credits in the following areas:

Christian Worldview (4 credits: REL 261  REL 262    REL 261, 262, 4 credits
Research Seminar - REL 490, 4 credits

Area 1: Scripture (12 credit hours)

Possible topics include:
Intro to Old Testament - REL 222, 4 credits
Intro to New Testament - REL 223, 4 credits
Biblical Book Elective - REL 321-325, 327-329, 4 credits

Area 2: Church History (8 credit hours)

Possible topics include:
Church History 1 - REL 241, 242, 4 credits
Church History 2 - REL 344-346, 349, 4 credits
Church History Elective - REL 295, 495, 4 credits

Area 3: Christian Theology (8 credit hours)

Possible topics include:
Theology for Ministry - MIN 201, 232, 371-372, 4 credits
Theology Elective - REL 363-367, 369

Area 4: Ethics and Cultural Engagement (8 credit hours)

Possible topics include:
Christian Social Ethics - REL 265, 4 credits
World Religions - REL 281, 389, 4 credits

Area 5: Pastoral Care (6 credit hours)

Possible topics include:
Pastoral Care and Counseling - PSY 265, MIN 371, 372, 4 credits
Pastoral Care Field Work - MIN 398, 399, 2 credits

Area 6: Leadership (6 credit hours)

Possible Topics include
Christian Community and Leadership - LDRS 201, 291, 4 credits
Leadership FIeld Work - LDRS 399, 2 credits

Program Co-Directors:  Dr. Richard Ray, Dr.David Stubbs

Non-Traditional Programs

TRiO Upward Bound Program

TRiO Upward Bound is an educational program designed to assist 85 high school students from the Allegan-Ottawa Counties area. To be admitted, students must meet the low-income or first-generation criterion established by the Federal Government and have the potential - even though their grades may not reflect it - to undertake a college education. The main purpose of the program is to assist these students to successfully pursue a post-secondary education.

This year-round program consists of two phases:

  1. Residential Summer Session

An intensive six-week academic session which includes students who have completed grades eight-11. Emphasizes the mastery of basic and advanced skills in mathematics, English, foreign language and science. The above courses are complemented by electives in physical education, dance, drama, arts and crafts, and photography. High school credit is recommended. Approximately 85 students are admitted to this program.

  1. Academic Year Session

During the school year, students in grades 9-12 attend afternoon tutorials twice a week, two hours each afternoon, for help in their current academic classes. Friday sessions are held every month to foster the cultural and social development of the students along with their career education; speakers, and group communication skills workshops are among the activities featured at these sessions. College testing and placement assistance (admission to college and financial aid) are provided to all the 11th- and 12th-grade students and their parents. Cultural activities and college visits are also part of the program.

Eligible students may participate at no cost; the Upward Bound Program is funded by the United States Department of Education, Hope College, United Way and other local private sources.

CASA - Children’s After School Achievement

CASA is a community program of Hope College that addresses the educational needs of 145 at-risk elementary school students annually. Since 1987, the program has worked with thousands of children who have been referred by Holland area school personnel for year-round sessions. During the summer, certified teachers and assistants lead small group classes for six weeks. The focus is academic and cultural enrichment, as well as site visits and service projects. During the school year, each student is assigned a personal tutor who works one-on-one with the child on homework, reading and math, as well as enrichment activities.

Hope College students mainly serve as volunteer tutors for the academic year program. Their consistent three-hour per week commitment is a large reason why CASA is successful. The tutors provide role modeling, academic support and mentoring. In exchange, they receive valuable volunteer experience, multicultural and diversity understanding, and community involvement. They also can use CASA for field placement and/or community service credit in a number of Hope College classes. As well, Hope students can interact with CASA on research projects, class assignments, internships and service projects for various student organizations.

For additional information, please contact CASA.